Hydrate for Performance

Hydrating for Performance

You should begin all workouts in a well-hydrated state and maintain hydration throughout your workout or competition.  By maintaining your hydration you can maximize performance, improve your ability to recover and minimize injury.  If you begin an event in a dehydrated state or become dehydrated while exercising you can have an increased rate of physical and mental fatigue.  As little as 2 to 3 percent decrease in body weight from water (sweat) loss can cause a decrease in performance.  Other consequences of dehydration include increased core temperature and heart rate, decreased blood pressure, nausea, headaches and muscle cramping.

Fluid Intake Recommendations

Prior to exercise you should consume approximately 16 ounces of fluid 2-3 hours before and 8 ounces 15 minutes before.  During exercise it is recommended to consume 4 ounces of fluid every 15 – 20 minutes.  Post activity 16-20 ounces of fluid should be consumed for every pound of sweat lost.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks are designed to rehydrate provide energy and replenish the body’s electrolytes.  Sports drinks also contain carbohydrates the body’s main source of energy.  During prolonged exercise it is important to replace fluid lost in sweat.  Athlete’s that will benefit most from  a sports drink are those that exercise for longer than 60 minutes and are heavy sweaters.

Hydrating Tips       

  • Monitor your urine color. A clear pale yellow indicates you are well hydrated.
  • Fruits and vegetables are mostly water and can aide in maintaining hydration.
  • If you are a heavy sweater, eat salty foods before activity and replace sweat loss with a sports drink after.
  • Carry a water bottle with you so you can drink water throughout the day and optimize your hydration

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The Center for Health and Sports Medicine offers a flexible and inclusive approach to family medicine and primary care. Recognizing that every patient’s needs and resources are unique, the practice provides multiple options for accessing care.

Welcome to the Center for Health and Sports Medicine, where our vision is Powering health to empower people. We are a comprehensive family medicine practice dedicated to helping individuals and families achieve optimal health through a foundation based on proper exercise, good nutrition, sleep and recovery, stress management, and mindfulness.

Our Wellness Center is a state-of-the-art fitness facility that functions at the core of our wellness program, The Ethos Project. Offering many of the amenities typically found in high-end gyms, the Wellness Center also blends clinical, educational and nutritional programming in order to serve all aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

The Center for Health and Sports Medicine offers a flexible and inclusive approach to family medicine and primary care. Recognizing that every patient’s needs and resources are unique, the practice provides multiple options for accessing care, including traditional insurance, concierge care, and special programs for those without insurance.

Our Wellness Center is a state-of-the-art fitness facility that functions at the core of our wellness program, The Ethos Project. Offering many of the amenities typically found in high-end gyms, the Wellness Center also blends clinical, educational and nutritional programming in order to serve all aspects of a healthy lifestyle.